
In the early nineties Antonio Gabriele lives in Bologna and meets some musicians and singers, especially hip hop and Hard Core.
For the "Sangue Misto" he recorded a solo guitar in the song "la porra" of the album "SxM"; with Neffa he recorded "Il richiamo della cippa" in the "Etti Panetti" group in the album "Livello 57 - zona a rischio"; with Deda on drums, he played guitar in the "Globuli Rossi", with Roberto Di Egidio (ex Giulio Dorme) on bass and Paolo Azzurro on vocals. For a short time he played the guitar in the Hard Core band from Emilia "Paolino Paperino band", closing his Hard Core period.
In the same period (mid-nineties) in the city of origin (Sannicandro Garganico - Foggia - Puglia) he founded the Effez group with which he recorded the self-produced CD "Doctor Hersellius".
He later collaborated on various projects and composed many songs that can be downloaded in the Downloads section.